9:30am Vestry Open House
Meet the St. Luke's Vestry, give feedback, and learn more about the church.
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Fr. Abshire will discuss The Story of the Other Wise Man (made into a movie called the "Fourth Wise Man").
"So beautiful and so true to what is best in our natures, and so full of the Christmas spirit, is this story of The Other Wise Man that it ought to find its way into every sheaf of Christmas gifts in the land."—Harper's New Monthly Magazine
No adult Spiritual Depeening or Sunday School for kids -- we all gather to make crafts to prepare ourselves for the season of Advent.
Christianity can be an adventure when you approach it The Episcopal Way. Join Fr. Abshire for a fall Spiritual Deepening series in which we will learn how our Episcopal tradition makes Christianity come alive!
Each week we will explore a different topic on what makes Episcopal principles relevant in today’s world. Anyone is welcome to submit questions or topics.
Sunday, October 8 through November 19 (except 11/12).
You do not have to attend all sessions.
Note: if you have not gotten a chance to fill out the initial visioning survey, click here.
Christianity can be an adventure when you approach it The Episcopal Way. Join Fr. Abshire for a fall Spiritual Deepening series in which we will learn how our Episcopal tradition makes Christianity come alive!
Each week we will explore a different topic on what makes Episcopal principles relevant in today’s world. Anyone is welcome to submit questions or topics.
Sunday, October 8 through November 19 (except 11/12).
You do not have to attend all sessions.
Christianity can be an adventure when you approach it The Episcopal Way. Join Fr. Abshire for a fall Spiritual Deepening series in which we will learn how our Episcopal tradition makes Christianity come alive!
Each week we will explore a different topic on what makes Episcopal principles relevant in today’s world. Anyone is welcome to submit questions or topics.
Sunday, October 8 through November 19 (except 11/12).
You do not have to attend all sessions.
Christianity can be an adventure when you approach it The Episcopal Way. Join Fr. Abshire for a fall Spiritual Deepening series in which we will learn how our Episcopal tradition makes Christianity come alive!
Each week we will explore a different topic on what makes Episcopal principles relevant in today’s world. Anyone is welcome to submit questions or topics.
Sunday, October 8 through November 19 (except 11/12).
You do not have to attend all sessions.
Christianity can be an adventure when you approach it The Episcopal Way. Join Fr. Abshire for a fall Spiritual Deepening series in which we will learn how our Episcopal tradition makes Christianity come alive!
Each week we will explore a different topic on what makes Episcopal principles relevant in today’s world. Anyone is welcome to submit questions or topics.
Sunday, October 8 through November 19 (except 11/12).
You do not have to attend all sessions.
Christianity can be an adventure when you approach it The Episcopal Way. Join Fr. Abshire for a fall Spiritual Deepening series in which we will learn how our Episcopal tradition makes Christianity come alive!
Each week we will explore a different topic on what makes Episcopal principles relevant in today’s world. Anyone is welcome to submit questions or topics.
Sunday, October 8 through November 19 (except 11/12).
You do not have to attend all sessions.
Have you been praying the Peace Prayer of St. Francis for 21 days? Did you attend the Taizé Service for the International Day of Prayer for Peace on September 21? Are you feeling overwhelmed by the state of the world?
Join Fr. Abshire for this Spiritual Deepening and Fellowship session where we look at where to go from here.
Social media has forever changed what it means to participate and join with others in families, in the community and in the Church.
The advent of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and many other social media platforms have created a wealth of new ways to converse, share content and deepen relationships with others, both locally and around the world.
Join Fr. Greg on Sunday, September 24 at 9:30am for an active session of reflecting, sharing and learning, a time to make our faith active through social media.
Bring your smartphones, tablets and laptops to this session where we will post, tweet and share in real time! You are encouraged to add hashtags #SMS17 #Episcopal and #StLukesFC
Read Fr. Greg's column for more information.
An exploration of what the Biblical writers actually said about same-sex relationships and marriage.
Questions? Please join us for this thought-provoking conversation. View general information on the Believe Out Loud program page.
2nd Annual Sunday School Kickoff Carnival! Meet your teachers and fellow students and have a great time.
In the Gospel of John, Jesus says, "I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly." Meanwhile, we pray the Lord's Prayer: "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."
What does it mean "to have life abundantly" -- and how is that related to this petition in the Lord's Prayer?
Join Fr. Abshire in the Library at 9:30am on May 21 for our final Spiritual Deepening session for the spring and find out.
Admissions is a dramatic short film starring Academy Award® nominee, James Cromwell, that tells a transformational tale about what it takes to find lasting peace, even in the most conflict-ridden regions of our world.
In the twentieth century, an estimated 160 million people died as a result of war. Yet, despite all the suffering the human race has endured, global peace remains elusive.
Currently, an estimated 74 out of the world’s 196 countries are involved in armed conflict. This means over one third of the earth is engaged in some from of war.
An effective peace process puts us back in touch with our higher nature and reminds us of what we truly are. It unites by building bridges that transform separate interests (me) into shared interests (we). For only in oneness can peace endure.
Join us as we view the film and share thoughts and ideas on the deeper meaning of life after death, a peaceful world, and our role including:
Facilitated by Donna Visocky
We continue our series by considering the unique role of Holy Scripture in the Episcopal tradition.
How can the Bible be both divine and human? More importantly, how can the Bible deepen our relationship with Christ Jesus?
If you are new at St. Luke’s or have been here for a longer time, everyone is invited to this lively discussion. Join us!
Have you been feeling God’s call in a new way? Have you ever dreamed of joining with others from St. Luke’s and starting a new ministry that meets a compelling need?
New Ministry Incubator is a new quarterly offering during our Spiritual Deepening hour designed to support our growth in ministries of all kinds.
It will be a time brainstorming, questions and conversation about issues that are provoking and inspiring us, with time for reflection, discernment and practical planning, all in order to mobilize new ministry opportunities at St. Luke’s.
Fr. Greg Foraker facilitating. Contact Fr. Greg for more information, or just show up.
This new inquirer's class will be a monthly event (except in summer) and cover a range of topics about the Episcopal Church.
You do not need to be a newcomer to attend and drop-ins are always welcome.
There will be a different topic for each gathering.
This Sunday:
Scripture, Tradition and Reason: Say What? Or, What Do Christians Know and How Do They Know It?
The Episcopal Church looks to three sources of authoritative knowledge for Christianity: Scripture (the Bible), Tradition (two thousand years of Church teaching), and Reason (human thinking). Of course, the ultimate source of religious knowledge is Revelation, which comes through experience.
Typically, Christianity is viewed in terms of simply "believing"; what about knowing? Join us for a lively conversation as part of our ongoing Episcopal 101 Inquirers Class.
At 9:30 a.m. families will gather in the Memorial Garden (off the parking lot).
The processional will wind around the church and lead into the 10 a.m. worship service, which includes a special art activity for kids during the reading of the Passion Narrative, to help them focus and reflect on this important story.
Note: If you show up at 9 a.m., there will be art activities for kids in the Parish Hall. No Spiritual Depeening on Palm Sunday and Easter.
This new inquirer's class will be a monthly event (except in summer) and cover a range of topics about the Episcopal Church.
You do not need to be a newcomer to attend!
There will be a different topic for each gathering. This Sunday we begin with the most basic question of all: "What is Episcopal?" That is, what is the nature of our tradition and what does the word "episcopal" mean?
The Rev. Michelle Danson visits to preach today and also discuss with us Hildegard of Bingen.
Abbess, artist, author, composer, mystic, seer, pharmacist, poet, preacher, theologian -- where to begin, to describe this remarkable woman?
Hildegard's visions cause her to see humans as "living sparks" of God's love, coming from God as daylight comes from the sun.
Why is Hildegard relevant today? Come and join in a lively presentation and discussion and be prepared to leave with a new sense of hope for our future.
Not going on the pilgrimage to Spain in May? You can still participate in a meaningful way by becoming a pilgrimage prayer partner with someone who is going. Learn about how to participate at this Spiritual Deepening offering.
Learn about Evensong in the Episcopal tradition, just in time to experience it tonight.
The history of Evensong is rooted in The Daily Office, dating to the time of the first Book of Common Prayer in 1549. The background of the Daily Office as well as Evensong will be discussed.
Facilitator Loretta Russell Hoffman studied Liturgy and Music of the Church in preparation for becoming an Organist-Choirmaster in the Episcopal Church.
Evensong… “a fragment of the worship which is offered to God by Christian people every hour in every part of the world. When you come to Evensong it is as if you were dropping in on a conversation already in progress — a conversation between God and people which began long before you were born and will go on long after you are dead.”
Evensong offers us the opportunity to gather and spend time in prayer while listening and participating in music that is especially selected to bring us into deeper understanding of the mysteries of our faith.
St. Luke’s continues to discern how our congregation is uniquely poised to become a more welcoming church to the gay, lesbian and transgender community through the Believe Out Loud program (https://www.believeoutloud.com/) and the Episcopal “Integrity” organization (http://www.integrityusa.org).
We have been graced so far with informational seminars, group/personal reflections and guest speakers that were insightful and uplifting.
If you missed participating in those, fear not – we have a few more opportunities coming up!
On February 26 during Spiritual Deepening (9:30 a.m. in the library), Dina Strong Grimmett will lead us into a deeper conversation about same-sex relationships in relation to scripture and the Episcopal tradition.
Additional meetings will be scheduled if needed, and then we move towards developing and adopting an inclusive welcoming statement for St. Luke’s. Ultimately, St. Luke’s would then be added to the “Welcoming Church” map on the Believe Out Loud network so that our LGBT brothers and sisters know that St. Luke’s is a safe and supportive community to worship with.
If you have questions about the process, please contact Nicole Vieira or Ed Gregori. Keep St. Luke’s in your prayers while we move through our discernment, and while we seek to further open ours hearts and minds to share the love of Christ with all!
Rick Parker will engage discussion about the work of the Colorado Haiti Project and how it allows us to follow in the footsteps of Jesus.
“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Enter, you who are blessed by my Father! Take what’s coming to you in this kingdom. It’s been ready for you since the world’s foundation. And here’s why:
I was hungry and you fed me,
I was thirsty and you gave me a drink,
I was homeless and you gave me a room,
I was shivering and you gave me clothes,
I was sick and you stopped to visit,
I was in prison and you came to me.’
“Then those ‘sheep’ are going to say, ‘Master, what are you talking about? When did we ever see you hungry and feed you, thirsty and give you a drink? And when did we ever see you sick or in prison and come to you?’
Then the King will say, ‘I’m telling the solemn truth: Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me—you did it to me.’
- The Message, Matthew 25:34-50
Donna Visocky is St. Luke's Parish Facilitator, author, and former publisher of Bella Spark Magazine. Full bio here.
Whether or not you plan to attend the 10:30 am service today featuring the Arvo Pärt setting of the Beatitudes, this piece of scripture is well worth engaging.
Join Fr. Abshire at 9:30 a.m. in the library to discuss this scripture.
The Revised Common Lectionary this year features the version from Matthew (read here in the CEB version and you can change versions from inside the page).
9:00am - One Worship service (Sunday School for kids K-8th grade)
9:30am - Children join adults for Holy Communion
10:00am - Presentation of 2017 Budget and election of Vestry Candidates (Kids have time with the musicians and make Blessing Bags -- see poster below about sock drive)
10:25am - Potluck Chili Lunch and music by the Mason Street Pickers bluegrass band
The Vestry will be present to review the 2017 budget.