St. Luke's will be holding a Vacation Bible School this summer from Monday, July 28th to Friday, August 1st from 9am-4pm. Your High Schooler can volunteer to be a Counselor and your middle schooler can be a Counselor in Training (CIT). This camp is not limited to members of St. Luke's; all are welcome. Please use the buttons below to sign up your youth.

Youth Ministry for Fourth-Twelfth Grades

For more information contact our Children and Youth Minister Kate Van Zandt

Begins September 8th 2024

Click here for 2024- 2025 schedule!

Teens and tweens are relational by nature, and our faith is one that is developed in community. Young people in grades 4&5 and 6-12 come together on Sundays at noon at St. Luke’s. Together they seek to create and sustain a meaningful Christian community through fellowship of love, service to others, spiritual discussions, team building, and fun. We strive to encounter our faith in everyday language while looking for the face of God all around us. This 2024 season we will study the seven I am statements of Jesus through John’s Gospel. We hope that through this program, we can create a sense of community among the youth, of friends between each other, and of friendship between them and Jesus.

Saint Luke’s Youth Group (SLYG) for 6th – 12th Grades

SLYG comes together every Sunday noon-1:30 at St. Luke’s.  They begin with games and a holy meal of lunch together. After lunch they reflect on how they’re called to walk in the way of God’s love together. They will reflect on scripture in discussion with each other, serve others, have fun, and learn what it means to be a child of God.

 Young people in this age group are also invited to begin serving more as a mature member of the church. We invite them to serve as acolytes, Wonder Church volunteers, ushers and more each Sunday. We hope that through this service in addition to youth group, they are able to explore how they’re uniquely called to live out our faith. If your child is above 15 years old you can sign-up for confirmation  by emailing

Mountain Movers – Youth Group for Grades 4-6

Meets from noon – 1:30 one Sunday a month

Children in grades four through six are in a new and exciting developmental phase. They are increasingly social and they want to explore who they are in the context of friendship and fun. Children in this age group will have Wonder Church each Sunday, but they will be invited to join in with SLYG once a month. During Mountain Movers, upper elementary-aged children will have an opportunity to deepen their friendships with each other but also with their older peers. Have a meal together and further explore who they are and what it means to be a part of Christian community.

Sign-up for Mountain Movers by emailing and