Chili Pot Luck
11:30 AM11:30

Chili Pot Luck

Join us for a Foot Stompin’ Good Time with Fiddler Vi Wickam at St. Luke’s Chili Potluck.

Sunday, October 14 at 11:30am - St. Luke’s Front Lawn.

We’ll have Firepits and Hot Cider to keep you warm. A Cowboy Photo Shoot and More!

Bring a Crock Pot of Chili, Cornbread or Dessert.

Sign Up Here.

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Feast of St. Luke Octoberfest
11:30 AM11:30

Feast of St. Luke Octoberfest

Join us for a Feast of St. Luke Octoberfest, Sunday, October 17 at 11:30am on the West Lawn.

We celebrate the day with a rousing barbeque complete with bratwurst, hotdogs, assorted microbrews and root beer and of course polka music performed by our favorite polka band Neue Polka Colorado (NPC).

Neue Polka Colorado is a polka band for the 21st century. Inspired by the singing, playing, camaraderie, and antics of the town bands of Central Europe, the band is exclusively brass instruments, and is populated almost entirely by music majors at Colorado State University. They describe themselves as one part Oktoberfest, one part 1990s mixtape and 100% fun.

Sign Up to let us know how many brats and brews we need on hand.

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Picnic & Sing in the Park
12:00 PM12:00

Picnic & Sing in the Park

  • St. Luke's Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Sing for the People

Picnic and Sing in the Park

Sunday, Sept. 26 12 noon

West Lawn

Join us as we gather together to practice a few hymns on the west lawn followed by a "Bring Your Own Picnic". No singing experience necessary and all ages are welcome.

In the Episcopal Church we know that beauty and symbol are vital in life. It has long been a part of our church tradition to bring holy beauty into the darkest of places. This fall we will bring music and beauty to the places and people who need it through Sing for the People.


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St. Luke's Group Hike
8:00 AM08:00

St. Luke's Group Hike


A group hike is planned for Thursday, July 8. We will meet at the main trailhead in Horsetooth Mountain Park on County Rd. 38E at 8:00 a.m. The hike will be on moderate to steep trail, about 4.5 miles long.

Please bring adequate water, wear sunscreen, a hat and sturdy shoes. The hike should take about 3 hours. There is a parking fee at the trailhead unless you have a season pass. Once we know who plans to come, some people may want to carpool.

We will observe whatever policies St. Luke’s advises regarding masks, distancing, etc. For questions, call or text Peggy Neves at 970-232-4292 or email Hope to see you there!


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LGBTQIA+ and Friends Video Social Hour
7:00 PM19:00

LGBTQIA+ and Friends Video Social Hour

LGBTQIA+ and friends is hosting a casual, video-social hour; all are welcome! This is a great opportunity to get to know a few more members of our congregation in a smaller setting. Come for the whole hour or drop in for a few minutes to say "Hi," we would love to see you. We will meet via Zoom on Monday, January 25th at 7:00.

If you have any questions please contact Susan Groeger at

Email office for the Zoom link:

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Epiphany Service
6:00 PM18:00

Epiphany Service

6pm on Zoom

On this day, the church celebrates the Feast of the Epiphany, which marks the end of the 12 days of Christmas each year on January 6. Epiphany is a Greek word meaning “manifestation” or “appearing.” At the Feast of the Epiphany, we honor Jesus being made manifest or appearing as Christ. Join us as we celebrate the Magi finding Jesus and look for signs of God’s presence in our own lives.

Contact for Zoom link.

The service will also be streamed on our YouTube channel. CLICK HERE

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Compline Night Prayers Every Tuesday
to Feb 23

Compline Night Prayers Every Tuesday

  • St. Luke's Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

8:30pm on Zoom

Members of our St. Luke’s community have been enjoying online Compline Night Prayers every Tuesday over the last couple of months. The service is a wonderful way to end the day in prayer with our beloved St. Luke’s community. This is also a nice, short prayer service that the whole family might like to enjoy from the comfort of home. Some kids (and even adults) like to wear their PJS to Compline.

Contact for Zoom link.

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Las Posadas - Searching for the Inn
4:15 PM16:15

Las Posadas - Searching for the Inn

Las Posadas - Searching for the Inn

Searching for the Inn An Advent Experience based in the Latin America tradition of Las Posadas

Sunday December 20th –

Group One with a longer walk will meet at 4:15pm

Group Two with a short walk will begin at 4:30pm

Las Posadas is a Latin American tradition during which Christians go on walks in solidarity with Mary and Joseph as they look for room at the inn for Jesus’ birth. During this procession, Christians go on long walks often in the cold, stopping along the way to hear scripture, pray and sing. Sometimes they carry statues of Joseph, Mary or the baby Jesus, or they dress up as the Holy Family. While they walk, typically in the cold of night, the Christians find solidarity with people in their local communities, such as the homeless, who have nowhere to rest their heads.

Inspired by Latin American Christians, we will take part in a simplified Searching for the Inn experience on December 20th. Those who would like to take a slightly longer walk will meet in the church parking lot at 4:15pm. That group will take a walk through the neighborhood surrounding St. Luke’s, stopping periodically on the way to pray and remember the people in our community, refugees and the homeless, who have nowhere to rest their heads. Those who would like a shorter walk will meet in the church parking lot at 4:30pm and pray as they walk to the west lawn at St. Luke’s. Both groups will be given battery candles that represent Christ’s light guiding our way. Both groups will meet on the west lawn after their walks, to pray by candlelight and reflect on the meaning of the Holy Family’s journey in our lives. Donations will be received at the time for Lutheran Family Services’ refugee resettlement program in Northern Colorado.

Of course, physical distancing and masks will be required for this meaningful Advent experience.


If you would like to do Searching for the Inn on your own time in your neighborhood, the prayers and scriptures will be available on the website.

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Drive-In Lessons and Carols and Lighting of the Christmas Lights
4:30 PM16:30

Drive-In Lessons and Carols and Lighting of the Christmas Lights

Drive-In Lessons and Carols and Lighting of the Christmas Lights

Sunday, December 13th, 4:30pm

One of the great gifts of the Anglican Tradition is the service of Advent Lessons and Carols. During this service we walk through scripture stories that point to God’s breaking forth in our world through Jesus Christ, and we sing many carols in response. This year we are not able to sing together in the ways we normally would, since singing is a major way that the Coronavirus is spread, but we are able to sing from our cars with the windows up. The service will be broadcast over our FM radio. We will pray together, sing safely, see our beautifully decorated outdoor space at church and wave to each other safely through car windows.

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St. Luke's Talent Show on Zoom
6:00 PM18:00

St. Luke's Talent Show on Zoom

St. Luke’s Talent Show

Sunday. December 6th 6pm on Zoom

Calling all dancers, singers, poets, musicians and more! St. Luke’s will gather online using zoom to celebrate the talents of our community and have some fun. When we gather on zoom, we will watch pre-recorded videos of parishioner talents, laugh and have some fun. This will be a joyful way to be together and celebrate the season this Advent.Contact Donna for instructions on turning in videos of your talents at by December 1st

Email for the Zoom link..

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Food Bank Food Drive
10:00 AM10:00

Food Bank Food Drive

  • St. Luke's Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Food Bank Food Drive

Saturday, December 5 10-11am

St. Luke's will collect food for the Food Bank again on Saturday, December 5. This is a simple and important way to make sure that people in our community are cared for and fed. You may donate in one of three ways.

*Leave food in the church parking lot when you pick up communion Saturday the 5th between 10 and 11am.
*Sign up for communion delivery on December 5th and leave your donation outside your front door for your communion driver to pick up.

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Refugee 101 and a Conversation with Lutheran Family Services
6:00 PM18:00

Refugee 101 and a Conversation with Lutheran Family Services

Refugee 101 and a Conversation with Lutheran Family Services

Tuesday, December 1st at 6pm on Zoom

Over the summer, the group from St. Luke’s studying the Rule of St. Benedict reflected on ways that Christians are called to see the brokenness and the needs of our community. As COVID cases broke out among meat packing plant workers in Greeley and we sought ways to help them, we learned that a large community of refugees lives in northern Colorado. Joseph and Mary did not have a place to lay their heads as they awaited Jesus’ birth, and they became refugees as they fled Herod after Jesus was born. We Christians are called to seek and serve Christ in all people. Caring for refugees in our community is a profound way to live our faith, especially during the season of Advent when we hear about the journeys of Mary, Joseph and Jesus. On Tuesday December 1st, a representative from Lutheran Family Services will teach us about life as a refugee and their refugee resettlement program.

Email for the Zoom link..

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Oct. Book Study - The Cross and the Lynching Tree
to Oct 28

Oct. Book Study - The Cross and the Lynching Tree

October Book Study

The Cross and the Lynching Tree by James Cone

Wednesdays at 5:30pm on Zoom

The cross and the lynching tree are the two most emotionally charged symbols in the history of the African American community. In this powerful new work, theologian James H. Cone explores these symbols and their interconnection in the history and souls of black folk. Both the cross and the lynching tree represent the worst in human beings and at the same time a thirst for life that refuses to let the worst determine our final meaning. While the lynching tree symbolized white power and black death, the cross symbolizes divine power and black life God overcoming the power of sin and death. For African Americans, the image of Jesus, hung on a tree to die, powerfully grounded their faith that God was with them, even in the suffering of the lynching era. CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP!

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Fort Collins the Choice City… for Whom?
6:00 PM18:00

Fort Collins the Choice City… for Whom?

Fort Collins the Choice City… for Whom?

Film viewing and discussion

Tuesday, September 29, 6pm on Zoom

Filmmaker Betty Aragon shares her documentary about racism in Fort Collins. The film aims to start a dialogue around the issue of racism in the city, with the larger goal of making Fort Collins a place where everyone feels welcome. We will watch the film together on Zoom then have a discussion together. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR ZOOM LINK

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Traces of the Trade Film Viewing/Discussion
6:00 PM18:00

Traces of the Trade Film Viewing/Discussion

Traces of the Trade

Film viewing and discussion

Wednesday, September 23, 6pm on Zoom

Traces of the Trade documents filmmaker Katrina Browne’s discovery that her New England ancestors were the largest slave-trading family in U.S. history. Her family also happens to be Episcopalian. Family members have been touring Episcopal Churches and leading discussions on race and racism, including in our own diocese, for years. We will view this film together on Zoom and have a discussion afterwards. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR ZOOM LINK

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Visions of the Church Retreat
9:00 AM09:00

Visions of the Church Retreat

Hosted by St. Jude’s Guild for Episcopalians in their 20s and 30s.

The St. Jude’s Guild is hosting its second annual retreat for Episcopalians in their 20s and 30s. The retreat provides young adults from across the Episcopal Church in Colorado an opportunity to meet one another and build relationships with members at other parishes.

This year the retreat is 1 day only and it’s happening on the lawn at St. Luke’s! Registration must be done in advance and is $25, including catered lunch and a t-shirt. Our guest speaker this year is The Rev. Cn. Dr. Chris Corbin from the Diocese of South Dakota. Our theme is “Visions of the Church.”

As the Church grapples with this constant change, it seems fitting to give young adults a place to think and dream about what our vision of the church is.

Registration, schedule, guest speaker bio, and more details can be found here:

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In-Person Holy Hike – Worshipful Walking
7:00 AM07:00

In-Person Holy Hike – Worshipful Walking

Saturday, September 12th In-Person Holy Hike – Worshipful Walking at 7am.
The group will meet at Lee Martinez Park, 7am.
On this Holy Hike we will plan to “pray with our feet” (Phil Cousineau). Walkers are encouraged to remember that this is an act of worship, and come with a prayer intention they may or may not wish to share with others at a given point. The group will plan to begin with the following prayer. Other prayers ideas will be emailed to the group ahead of time.

A Hiking Prayer "Bless the earth beneath my feet. Bless the path on which I walk. Bless the people whom I meet. Bless to me my life."

Participants in the holy hike must bring a mask and hike with physical distance. Hikers should also be sure to wear adequate footwear, bring water, sunscreen a hat and snack. REGISTER HERE:

*Please note that you must register for each in-person activity and agree to our safe gathering guidelines at least 72 hours ahead of time. This is required so that we may assist with contact tracing in the event of a Covid-19 outbreak. Register by clicking on the Eventbrite link or by contacting Donna in the parish office at

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St.Luke's Food Drive
9:00 AM09:00

St.Luke's Food Drive

Sunday, July 26 - Your Porch

9am - noon

Hunger can be found everywhere – often where you least expect it. The homeless population represents only about 10% of most food bank recipients. The rest? Everyday people like low-wage workers, children, seniors on fixed incomes and individuals with health issues. People across the region are still experiencing fear and uncertainty right now.

As sChristians who are called to serve the vulnerable, we need to help our hungry neighbors.

On Sunday, July 26 we invite the people of St. Luke's to put non-perishable foods in labeled bags on front porches. Volunteer drivers will come pick them up from your homes and deliver to the Food Bank.


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St. Luke's Virtual Vacation Bible School: Moses Rescues the Israelites! 
to Jul 23

St. Luke's Virtual Vacation Bible School: Moses Rescues the Israelites! 

  • Google Calendar ICS

July 20-23 9am - 10:45am On Zoom

This Zoom VBS will be July 20-23rd from 9 am until 10:45 am with a 45 min snack/outside break in the middle. We will learn about the story of Moses and the Israelites, sing songs, dance, play, write a show, create, and craft!

INVITE YOUR FRIENDS! Kids don't have to be regular St. Luke's church-goers, they can be your next door neighbors or other local friends! (Non-local friends are also welcome to participate but would have to supply their own crafts).

Registration Link:

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to Jul 15


  • Google Calendar ICS

Interested in helping keep St. Luke's lawn and garden in pristine condition? Perhaps you might consider adopting a section of the yard. It would be your own personal space to keep clean and looking pretty. There are several choices from a corner of the Memorial Garden, the spot by the front door, to the area along the back fence and more. We have the perfect spot depending on your gardening and/or lawn care expertise.


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