Over the summer, the group from St. Luke’s studying the Rule of St. Benedict reflected on ways that Christians are called to see the brokenness and the needs of our community. As COVID cases broke out among meat packing plant workers in Greeley and we sought ways to help them, we learned that a large community of refugees lives in northern Colorado. Joseph and Mary did not have a place to lay their heads as they awaited Jesus’ birth, and they became refugees as they fled Herod after Jesus was born. We Christians are called to seek and serve Christ in all people. Caring for refugees in our community is a profound way to live our faith, especially during the season of Advent when we hear about the journeys of Mary, Joseph and Jesus. On Tuesday December 1st, a representative from Lutheran Family Services will teach us about life as a refugee and their refugee resettlement program.
Email office@stlukesfc.org for the Zoom link..