Online Worship, Text Message Prayers, Online Giving and More

Dear People of Saint Luke',s

As you have hopefully heard by now, Saint Luke's and other Episcopal Churches around the country are not meeting in person for the next two weeks. It is a part of our Christian duty to care for the most vulnerable among us and the best way to do that right now is refrain from in- person meetings. 

Our church is not closed in spirit. We are still the body of Christ and will find new ways of connecting digitally in the coming weeks. We will livestream Morning Prayer this Sunday at 10am and connect via Zoom and text message soon. Information for this Sunday's livestream is below. 

We also have to be honest and aware of the fact that our finances are dependent on plate and pledge offerings. As we worship digitally in the next few weeks, please continue to submit your financial offering as you are able. It is vital that our staff continue to be paid in the midst of all this. That is for their own health and safety and also for the United States economy. Please scroll down for information on giving digitally. Also, please make an effort to call people in the parish and make sure they know about all of this. If folks don't have email, help them sign-up for the text messages. Details are below. Thank you! 

This Sunday 

10am Morning Prayer, livestreamed on facebook.You do not need a facebook account to see this. You may see a prompt to login on the page, it should not prevent you from seeing the livestream if you aren't logged in.  

Please join us on facebook at 10am Sunday.  Watch by clicking Here for our online Morning Prayer 

Text to Give or Give Online

Please consider contributing your regular Sunday offering digitally. You can do that by texting your donation. Just text your donation dollar amount to the phone number 970-296-8159. The first time you do it you will get a reply walking you through the process of setting up your bank account. After that you may just text your dollar amount donation and it will be taken from your account automatically. If you would like to set up a monthly donation from your bank account, contact our bookkeeper Paul at For more information about online giving visit our website. Please note that some browsers don't work as well with the giving page on our website. Chrome and Firefox work best. Visit our giving page at       

If you have trouble with any of this we are happy to walk you through the process. Email 

New! Text Check-ins - Please Sign Up!

We are finding new ways to stay connected, and one of them is through a new texting service called Flocknote. If you sign up, you will receive regular prayers, and check-ins from us. When you reply to the text it will go to Mother Krista's cell phone. If you need a bit of prayer time, or to set-up a conversation with Mother Krista over the phone please sign up. To sign up, text the keyword saintlukesfc to the number 84576.After that, you are automatically enrolled. It is that easy. 

Weekday Gatherings

If you have a church group that regularly meets during the week, we can set-up an online "meeting" for you through Zoom. Please email and Donna at and we will set up Zoom for you. We can also talk you through using it. It is easy! 

Prayer Resources for Home

Our Bishop's Office has put together a web page with many prayer resources for use at home. Access them at this link While our offices are closed, your clergy and staff are still available. We will be working from home. Please reach out to us via email if you need anything, and know that we are here for you. While Mother Krista is not doing in person pastoral visits right now, she is still happy to talk and pray via text, email or over the phone. Please do reach out as you need to.  Email to set up an appointment.