Collecting Saint Stories from the People of St. Luke’s 

Monday October 19th                        

Sign up for a 15 minute slot between 6 and 8pm.                                                                            

Watch your email for the sign-up link or call the parish office to sign-up.

Holy Scripture is a compilation of stories about people who encountered the Holy and  how they responded. And God’s story, God’s connection with us is not over yet. Sign up for a fifteen minute slot to meet with Mother Krista over Zoom on Monday October 19th and tell a story of faith from your life. You could choose to answer one of the following questions, or share another idea. Your story should be roughly 5 minutes and will be recorded over Zoom. We will share the stories throughout the fall.

Questions to consider answering-

· Did you have someone in your life who made faith come alive for you? Tell us about that person. In what way did they influence you? How does their presence in your life continue to impact you?

· Have you ever had an experience of the presence of God? An experience of abiding love and joy? Tell us about it.  Where were you?  What happened? What was the experience like?

· Have you ever had a challenge that brought you closer to God? What was the challenge? How did you experience God in that?

· Have you experienced the Holy during the pandemic? How and when did you experience God?  Where were you? What went through your mind? Tell us about it.