Ashes to Go
St. Luke’s offers a variety of ministries for you to share your time, talent, and treasure in thanksgiving for God’s love and rich blessings. Some people are called to serve in a ministry connected to the worship service. Others feel called to serve in a prayer ministry, or to reach out into the community, or to serve others in our common parish life.
Altar Flowers
A donation to the flower fund is a beautiful way to remember, honor or give thanks for loved ones. Your gift of flowers not only provides the adornment of our altars and proclamation of resurrection, it also serves as a pastoral blessing to those who receive the flowers delivered to them after our worship – typically those who are shut-in by virtue of illness or crisis or those with some milestone celebration. Truly it is a multi-faceted gift.
You sign up to give flowers for the Altar on the Altar Flower chart in the hall.
You pick the date you wish to thanksgiving for something special or in memory of someone.
Flowers are already ordered and you are billed by the bookkeeper.
It is a beautiful way to decorate the church and our lovely Altar. Nancy Davis 970-484-5428
Altar Guild
What an honor it is to set the Lord's Table each Sunday. The Altar Guild serves God by preparing the Sanctuary for worship, maintaining and caring for the sacred vessels, altar linens, and vestments, and serving the clergy and the parish. Contact: Jana Parker
Art in the Narthex
Arts & Furnishings
Oversight and stewardship of the many memorials, artworks, and special furnishings that have been received by St. Luke's over many years.
Why you should be involved: This ministry is a significant archive of the history of St. Luke’s that brings to life the many contributions by parishioners by way of memorials and gifts to the church. If you have a passion for the history of the many wonderful trappings that St. Luke's has received over the years, then you could make a significant contribution by joining the Arts and Furnishing Committee. There are many needs to improve the documentation of our arts and furnishings. We definitely could accommodate several more members of the committee. Contact: Pat Reid, Chair
Believe Outloud
On October 16, 2017 the St. Luke's Vestry voted for St. Luke's to become a "Believe Out Loud" church, that is, a church which openly welcomes Christians who identify themselves as LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, etc.). St. Luke's welcomes our LGBTQIA sisters & brothers. If you would like to be part of our journey of widening our welcome, please contact Ryan Hogan
Building & Grounds
If you are a handyman/woman and would be willing to be on call for minor repairs around the church, we need you on the Facilities Ministry. Co-Jr. Warden Ed Gregori
Or, if you have a green thumb and can help keep our beautiful property beautiful, please join us on the Grounds Ministry. Co-Jr. Warden Jason Ranz
Christmas Cookie Ministry
Once a year we remember all the members and friends of St. Luke’s who are in nursing homes, assisted living, rehabilitation centers or home-based locations by delivering Christmas Cookies to them. Names are placed on the Christmas Cookie Tree in the Narthex and parishioners select who they will take cookies to, prepare them and deliver them. The best part, in addition to the cookies, is the visiting that takes place, the making connections and sharing stories.
Coffee & Hospitality
This vital ministry provides a welcoming environment for newcomers and regular parishioners to gather before and after services to visit and get to know each other. Building community is our mission.
Contemplative Prayer
Do you wish you could more frequently experience God’s presence in the world without having to visit the Grand Canyon or to witness a glorious sunset? Join us in our pursuit of a deeper spirituality. We begin with 20 minutes of silence followed by discussion of the directed reading from the Thomas Merton series, Bridges to Contemplative Living. Though thematically connected, each session stands independent of the others; so perfect, sequential attendance is not required to be up-to-date with the day's reading. Ed Gregori or 223-2113.
Daughters of the King
We in Daughters of the King feel that Prayer Changes You! It is a privilege to pray for those in need. It is joyful to see healing! The purpose of Daughters of the King is to bring women into a living, loving relationship with Jesus our Savior and to help strengthen the spiritual life of our Parish through specific confidential prayers for parishioners, their families, relatives and friends. Mary Hodgkins
Each Sunday is one snapshot of St. Luke’s for a first-time guest. What kind of picture are we showing? Become a Designated Engager. Intentionally connect with newcomers so they feel wanted and included. This group also organizes fellowship events such as the “One Service Sunday Potlucks” which are scheduled each quarter.
The Engagers/Fellowship ministry is designed to reach out to people who are new to the parish family. We Engage them in discussion and attempt to get them into the system via the completion of the Welcome Cards. The completion of the card allows us to get them into the electronic system and to get name tags. The cards also serve to let staff (Priest and others) to follow up with a welcome note or email. The Welcome Cards are in the pews and are available when parishioners introduce themselves to someone that they don’t know and serves as an ice breaker to make the contact. This group also organizes fellowship events such as the “One Service Sunday Potlucks” which are scheduled each quarter. These events allow us to bring newcomers into the parish family. Working together we can “get to know you” and help to make the transition to parish family seamless. Ken Deines
The finance committee keeps track of St Luke's finances and recommends actions to be taken by the Vestry to solve financial problems and related issues. Donn DeCoursey, Treasurer
Funeral Guild
The Guild hosts a reception following funerals or memorial services for parishioners and provides opportunity for individuals experiencing the loss of a loved one a relaxed time for remembering and sharing memories.
It is a ministry to be able to help relatives to have an opportunity to gather after a memorial or funeral service and not worry about planning it. If you give me your name and email address to be put on this group email list you will be notified when a family is requesting our help in providing food and setting up a nice atmosphere for friends and family in the parish hall. If you are able to help by providing a salad, fruit tray, veggie tray, cookies, bars, and other desserts you reply to the email and say what you will bring. Or perhaps you can donate a King Soopers gift card (we buy meat and cheese trays). If you are available you can volunteer to set up or clean up. If you are unavailable that day, you are not obligated, you simply just ignore the email. The members on this team get to have a nice friendly relationship with one another by serving when they can. We welcome new volunteers! Debbie Vessey at
Intercessory Prayer
There are many ways to love one’s neighbor, but intercessory prayer —praying on behalf of other people—has got to be one of the most powerful. St. Luke’s has an active team of Lay Intercessory Prayer Warriors that serve each Sunday to intercede on the prayer requests of our church family, friends and those needing prayer. Prayer Intercessors are available every Sunday during Holy Communion. Each intercessor has been trained to receive the concerns and thanksgivings of parishioners seeking prayer support. Requests for blessings and/or God's grace and guidance are received at St. Claire's Oratory (near the prayer candles and icons at the rear of the Nave). Your prayer request will be treated with great respect; you honor us by letting us pray for you. The Intercessory Prayer Group keeps all requests confidential. Let us pray with and for you. Contact: Sandy Aldern
St. Luke's seasonal ministry of kickball is about to begin its third year of activity. Every summer, a group of us form a summer kickball team (known as "Saved by the Ball") to play in a local league for 6-8 weeks. This ministry focuses on fellowship and friendship building, as well as weekly BBQ after each game. This is a casual, non-competitive and inter-generational team. If you are interested in being on the team, coming to games to cheer us on, or want to sponsor a player, contact Cai Seymour. He is the captain for the Summer 2019 team. Contact: Cai Seymour
Lay Eucharist Ministers
Serving as a LEM provides a way to deepen your connection with the traditions of the church. Liturgical Ministers at St. Luke’s support the celebrant during church services. The responsibilities are split into two roles, Chalice Bearer and Sub Deacon. Their duties include, reading scripture and psalms, leading the Prayers of the People, receiving the oblations, and handing the offering plates to the ushers. They also assist the celebrant in preparing the table for communion and administer the cup to those receiving communion. Larry Meger
Legacy Giving
As members of St. Luke’s Church, many of the blessings we enjoy today are the products of dedication on the part of those before us who were not content with the status quo. Instead, they were committed to leaving future generations a rich inheritance on which to build. We, too, have the opportunity to leave a legacy to our church through our estate planning. Robby Laitos
Make a joyful noise unto the Lord! Whether music is in your blood, or you just want to share in the joy, we invite you to join us in any of these areas: 1) Play an instrument, 2) Add your voice to the choir, or 3) Ring some bells in the bell choir. Andrew Hill
Pastoral Care
Pastoral care for the sick and infirmed is one of the most significant ways that members of the St. Luke’s continue the ministry and mission of Jesus. Lay Pastoral Ministers provide listening, friendship, spiritual support, prayer, encouragement, and bring Holy Communion to those who are unable to attend Sunday Worship. Ken Deines
Pastoral Care Meal Providers
The arrival of a new baby. Loss of a loved one. Financial difficulty. Illness. Hospitalization. These are just a few of the situations that bring out a family’s need for assistance with meal preparation. In these times, we as friends, neighbors, and community members are given the holy opportunity to extend a hand in loving assistance. When we plan or participate in a meal provider program, we can help alleviate the worry about cost, time, and energy of meal preparation for those in need.
Quilting Group
The Baptism Quilters mission is to provide each child baptized at St. Luke’s with a handmade quilt. The quilt is a tangible reminder of our church’s promise to wrap each child in love. They are a group of all ages and levels of talent and welcome anyone to join the group with open arms and smiling faces. Quilters can be creative with colors, patterns, and styles within some guidelines. We have a fun group and we will help new quilters learn the techniques to get started. We usually meet on the second Monday at 10:30am in the church library. Tammie Gregori, 223-2113
Singles on the Go!
Singles on the Go is a fun, casual group for all St. Luke's members 55 or older. We get together every Tuesday morning at 9:30 at the coffee shop at Sprout's Market at Drake and Lemay. (EXCEPT FOR THE SECOND TUESDAY). On the third Tuesday each month we go out for dinner at a local restaurant. Come join us - we always have a very good time! Contact: Gail McKenzie, or 482-8052.
Spiritual Deepening & Fellowship
Join us each Sunday in the Library from 9:30-10:15am for thought-provoking conversation. We’d love to know your interests for adult education. Do you have topics or subject matter that you would like to present as part of your ministry to St. Luke’s? Peggy Neves
Sunday School
Concerned about the future of the church? Value the history of our faith? Is church family important? If you answered yes, you too can help with Sunday School at St. Luke’s. We offer Sabbath rest to our teachers in the summer, but we’d love to hear from you in August as we prepare for weekly classes. Liz Richardson
Ushers & Greeters
In many ways, the ushers are the “face” of the church, the first ones that people see when they arrive and the last ones they see as they leave. The usher ministry is focused on providing various services to all attendees. We handout service bulletins, collect the offering, collect attendance statistics and provide assistance for the Holy Eucharist. This ministry also welcomes parishioners and visitors to our services. This ministry is very rewarding in that we can play a small part in helping provide for a very rich worship experience at St. Luke's.
Wednesday Morning Bible Study
A Wednesday morning Bible Study was established for all parishioners in the Spring of 2018. They began with the study of The Good Book Club's selection of A Journey through Acts, by Marek P. Zabriskie. In the Fall of 2018, the group made the decision to study Discovering the Psalms: Passion, Promise and Praise, by Donald L. Griggs from The Kerygma Program. Presently, the Wednesday Bible Study group has begun the study of Paul's letter to the Romans, again under the guidance of The Good Book Club. Although various facilitators have led the studies, Peggy Neves has been our prime facilitator. Anyone is welcome to join this Bible study that meets in the Parish Hall on Wednesday mornings at 10:30 AM. Contact: Loretta Hoffmann
Do you believe youth should have a safe place to process their world? Would you like them to have a Christian “spin” on that world? You can help. We need meals, transportation and so much more. Liz Richardson