Q&A with Our New Rector

As you may have heard, St. Luke’s has a new rector on the way. The Reverend Krista Dias and her family are moving to Fort Collins in mid-November. Her first “preaching” Sunday at St. Luke’s will be on December 1.

Krista comes to us from Chapel of Our Saviour in Colorado Springs, where she has served as associate rector for the past four years. Before that, she served as a curate in New Jersey and as a lay youth minister in New York.

To get to know Krista a bit, we got her on the phone for a few minutes between packing boxes and asked her a few questions.

Q: Tell us a little about your family.

A: I’ve been married to my husband John for 10 years. He works for a hunting and fishing television network in Denver. It’s actually a slightly shorter drive to work for him from Fort Collins than it is from Colorado Springs. When we lived in New York, he worked for the Food Network and for Martha Stewart.

We have two wonderful daughters: Molly, who is five, and Gabby, who is seven. Gabby wants to be an American Ninja Warrior … and she just broke her arm playing on the monkey bars at school. (I got the call from the bishop that I was going to be the new rector at St. Luke’s at the same time that I got the call from the school. It was an interesting 10 minutes!) Molly wants to be an artist and a mom. She loves to create beautiful things and to sing. Both of them are both really excited to meet new friends in Fort Collins and to try out all of the great playgrounds there.

Q: What would you like us to call you?

A: Just as you’d call a male priest “Father,” the professional way to address a female priest is “Mother,” so officially I’m “Mother Krista.” That’s what kids usually call me, and sometimes they call me “Mama K.” With adults I go by “Mother Krista” or just “Krista.” I’m not super picky about it.

Q. What will you miss the most about Chapel of Our Saviour in Colorado Springs?

A: The people at Chapel of Our Saviour have been very open and warm. They have a deep faith that has blessed me and that blesses everyone who walk through the door. It’s a seed of blessing that I’ll carry forward to my upcoming ministry at St. Luke’s.

Q: What are you most looking forward to about your upcoming time at St. Luke’s?

A. First and foremost, I’m looking forward to developing relationships and getting to know everyone. I’m excited to get to know the staff and to worship God with you in beautiful ways. I’m also looking forward to working with Liz Richardson to develop the church’s youth and family ministry. I’m looking forward to spending time with St. Luke’s listening to the Holy Spirit to see where we’re being called.

Q: What’s something about yourself that people are surprised to find out?

A: I used to breakdance until I broke my arm and my orthopedist suggested that I retire. It was at a fundraiser for our church preschool in Bronxville, New York. I broke my humerus in a headspin … It was not humorous at all.

Q: Is there anything else you’d like us to know about you?

A: I’ve been working with a group of people in Colorado Springs to start a nonprofit organization to address human trafficking. I’ll continue to work on that while I’m in Fort Collins.

Q: Is there anything we can do in the weeks to come to help you and your family?

A: The main thing I’d ask for you to do is to pray that God opens our hearts to listen for ways that the Holy Spirit will work with us. I’m looking forward to starting the Advent season with a spirit of love and openness and a willingness to hear how the Holy Spirit wants to move through us.