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 An Invitation to a Holy Lent from Mother Krista

On Ash Wednesday, February 17th, our Church tradition enters the season of Lent. As we are marked with ashes on our foreheads, we remember that “we are dust and to dust we shall return”. Lent is a season in which we are reminded that the gift of life doesn’t last forever. We remember what truly matters in life. We discipline ourselves to let go of the things that don’t matter, so that we might more richly live into the life of love that we are invited into by the grace of God.

Last year, just a couple of weeks after Ash Wednesday, the COVID-19 pandemic hit the United States. We suddenly found our world dramatically changed. Our Bishop, Kym Lucas, said last Lent was “the lentiest lent I’ve ever lented”. Though that statement seems silly, there is a lot of truth in it. The pandemic forced us into a new awareness of death, we gave much up and were asked to look at our lives and seek what really does matter.

As we enter into 2021, we find ourselves at the one year anniversary of the pandemic’s start and entering yet another Lent in pandemic. None of us could have imagined this a year ago.  Realizing what a long process this has been and will continue to be, we might wonder “do we really have to do pandemic Lent AGAIN?”. It is exhausting, but it may also be the most poignant Lent we will experience in our lives. The season of Lent is reflective of the reality of the lives we’ve lived in the past year. We are constantly aware of the possibility of death, we have had much taken from us, and we are called to find the gift of life within it all.

“I invite you to experience a meaningful and holy Lent with St. Luke’s this year.”

Let’s lean into the gifts of this season as we lean into the reality of our 2021 lives, knowing that hope is on the horizon. God is with us. The gifts of life are with us. And we are still bound together in love.

Our church community of St. Luke’s has many different ways to engage in the practice of Lent. I invite you to spend some time reading through our offerings and pray over them. There are several small group opportunities on-line, one-time safe and distanced worship times, online worship times, reflections to do on your own and more. Find what would be meaningful for you and have a transformative Lent. -Krista+


  •  Ash Wednesday - February 17

  • Get your Lenten Devotional - Bridges to Contemplative Living w/Thomas Merten

  • Weekly Lenten Compline Night Prayers - Tuesdays

  • Contemplative Prayer - Tuesdays

  • Path to the Passion - Navigating the Wilderness of Lent

  • The Village - Small Group for Young & Young-ish Adults

  • LGBTQIA+ & Friends

  • St. Luke’s Reads - The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe

  • Carbon Fast for Lent

  • Stations of the Cross

  • Easter Week Schedule