Holy Week at St. Luke’s
Observe a Blessed Holy Week With St. Luke's
Holy Week is the most important time in the Christian year. It is a time when we live into the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Walking with Jesus through this cycle is what gives meaning to our life of faith. Resurrection is most meaningful when it comes after despair, agony and death of Good Friday. This holy rhythm is mirrored in our lives of faith. All of us go through terrible pain and we know we are not alone. Jesus lived through pain too. But even from the depths of the greatest pain imaginable. There is new hope in resurrection. Love always wins. Walk with us through this profound Holy Week and be changed with us.
Maundy Thursday - April 1
6:30pm on Zoom and YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3myBkd22BSbPZaqCknxFrA?view_as=subscriber
Followed by Vigil with the Blessed Sacrament at home or in person at St. Luke's
Sign-up for a one hour shift at home, between 7pm and noon on Good Friday
Sign-up for a twenty minute shift at St. Luke's. Slots will be available for 5 people at a time, between 7:30pm and 9:30pm. Participants must wear masks and observe social distancing.
Click HERE to Sign Up for Maundy Thursday Vigil at Home
Click HERE to Sign-Up for Maundy Thursday Vigil at St. Luke's
On Maundy Thursday, Jesus sat at table with his friends. He blessed wine and bread, instituting the Holy Eucharist. We washed the feet of His disciples. And finally He went the Garden at Gethsemane to pray. There Jesus asked His disciples to stay awake and keep watch. This Maundy Thursday we will gather together on Zoom for an evening prayer amongst friends. We aren't gathered physically around a table as Jesus was, but we can gather at our tables from home. We will have a time of checking in together in community and a time of prayer. After the service on Zoom, we will observe the tradition of Maundy Thursday Vigil with the Blessed Sacrament. In this tradition, people sign-up to sit with the blessed bread and wine, as the disciples sat with Jesus while He prayed in the Garden at Gethsemane. This year the Maundy Thursday Vigil is especially meaningful as we are keeping watch, waiting for the end of pandemic, and bearing witness to signs of new life.
Maundy Thursday at Home - Your Holy Week at Home Bag has a small container of dried flower petals. Use these petals to create your vigil from home space. You may want to sprinkle them around a table with your communion wafers and pray as you keep watch.
Good Friday Services - April 2
9am Walking the Great Litany
The Great Litany is a set of intercessory prayers that has been in use since the 5th century. The prayers are penitential in nature and are often used in Lent. The Great Litany has been used for intercessory prayer in times of great turmoil such as war. It is traditionally said as a call and response in procession. This Good Friday, the people of St. Luke's are invited to gather together for a Great Litany walk at 9am. Of course, masks and physical distancing are required. REGISTER HERE
Contact Peggy Neves for more information at runrunpeggy@gmail.com.
For a pdf of The Great Litany to read on your own CLICK HERE
Good Friday Service - 12 Noon On-line https://stlukesfc.org/livestreams
For a pdf of the Good Friday Service Bulletin CLICK HERE
On Good Friday we remember Jesus' brutal death upon the cross. As we remember the last moments of Jesus' earthly life, we reflect on the fact that Jesus Christ has experienced very human pain. When we remember Jesus' pain, we are invited to share our own pain and human challenge with Jesus. At the conclusion of the service, you are invited to come to St. Luke's for veneration of the cross. This is a time of prayer when you may share your burdens with Jesus by placing a hand, on the cross, kneeling at the cross or bowing.
Veneration of the Cross from 1-2pm in the Sanctuary
One household at a time may pray at the cross. There is no need to sign-up. Please wear a mask and wait outside the parking lot door until someone directs you to enter the church building. Please observe physical distance while waiting outside. We ask that people pray at the cross one household at a time, and we will disinfect between households, to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Good Friday at Home:
Your Holy Week at home bag includes a small wooden "holding cross" for prayer. You are invited to keep it near you during the Good Friday service online. You may choose to observe Veneration of the Cross with your holding cross from home, at the conclusion of our online service.
Easter Vigil Service - April 3
On-line at 7pm Service https://stlukesfc.org/livestreams
For a pdf of the Easter Vigil Service bulletin CLICK HERE.
In Judeo Christian tradition, a new day begins at night fall. Since the early days of the church, Christians have begun celebrating Easter at nightfall on the day before Easter Sunday. We begin the service by lighting a new fire, symbolizing new light in Christ. All are then invited to light candles from the new fire of resurrection as the deacon or priest sings one of the most ancient prayers in the church and several Alleluias. This service of light in the midst of darkness as night falls is one of the most powerful services of the Christian year.
Easter Vigil at Home
Your Holy Week at Home Bags each have a candle in them. During the service online, Mother Krista will invite you to light your own candle, symbolizing the light of resurrection in our lives.
Easter Sunday Services- April 4
9:30am On-line Service
11:30am Outdoor In-Person Service REGISTER HERE